Monday, August 18, 2008

And so we begin...

After a long break from updating our friends and family on the "SC Brubakers", I have been inspired to begin again. For the first time since my sister-in-law set up her blog (sorry Laura!), we logged on this weekend and I decided it was time to rejoin the land of the 'net. There is just so much that has happened since I updated our old family website (which is about to expire in a few days). I don't think there is even a mention of our little Susie on that old site - and that just isn't right! So I will try to fill in some of the gaps as we go along, but my main focus will be on the present. It seems like I can retroactively date posts, so anything before August 18, 08 is an attempt at catching up, while (logically) anything after August 18, 08 is a new update on us.

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